Statistics extraction

If you do not need to work with individual-level data, you can apply for a statistics extraction.

A statistics extraction comprises statistical or numerical information defined by you but produced by Research Services. 

Research Services can provide you with simple descriptive statistics. By simple descriptive statistics, we mean simple counts or tabulations combining information from the different registers. These statistical extracts are completely anonymous.

The application

When applying for a statistics extraction, you must submit a project description and description of the data extraction. Both documents are important for us to get an overview of your project and the information you are requesting.

We use the description of the extraction to get an overview of which tables we need to create for you, so it is important that you describe the requested tables in as much detail as possible. We create the final specification of your extraction based on your description and through an ongoing dialogue with you.

The form for instructions for extract description for statistics extraction and the form for instructions for project description are currently only available in Danish. 

Processing of applications

Processing your application for a statistics extraction will often take longer than other applications processed by Research Services. This is because we often need a more thorough description of the information and of the delimitations, which the tables should be based on. It is therefore important that you are as thorough as possible in describing how the tables are to be produced.

Fully anonymous

A statistics extraction should be fully anonymous. For this reason, Research Services will generally blur out fields with less than five persons/observations. If Research Services assesses that personally identifiable information is otherwise present in the tables, these will also be blurred.

As statistics extractions are fully anonymous and do not contain individual-level data, they can be delivered to your e-mail.


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

T: +45 3218 3900