About the Danish Health Data Authority

The Danish Health Data Authority works to ensure better health for the Danish citizens through the use of data and by creating digital coherence in the healthcare sector.

The use of health data is a key element in the Danish healthcare system, and Denmark has some of the most comprehensive health registers in the world. We use health data to strengthen and develop the healthcare system and at the same time give the best treatment to each individual patient.

The Danish Health Data Authority is instrumental in providing coherent health data and digital solutions that benefit patients and practitioners as well as research and administrative purposes in the healthcare sector.

The Danish Health Data Authority is a part of the Ministry of the Interior and Health and was established in November 2015. It is made up by an Executive Management, an Executive Secretariat and seven departments with approximately 300 employees. Thomas Fredenslund is Director General, while Vibeke van der Sprong and Mette Jørgensen are Deputies Director General.

Core task

Digital health solutions

We manage major projects and programmes that strengthen the coordination of digitalisation of the healthcare sector. We are responsible for IT solutions such as the National Service Platform, the Shared Medication Record and many other solutions that are used throughout the healthcare system. 

By setting shared goals in the form of strategies, agreements and IT architecture, we coordinate the work with health data and IT across the Danish healthcare system.

Core task

Cyber and information security

We are responsible for facilitating and coordinating efforts to ensure cyber and information security within The Ministry of Health and the Danish healthcare sector in general.

Core task

Health data and registers

By developing and running the national health registers, we ensure comprehensive and valid health data for patient treatment, development, planning and research. We provide health statistics and analyses of cause of death, disease patterns, medicine and activity in the healthcare sector etc. and monitor and follow up on political goals and agreements in terms of quality and efficiency in health. 

We also develop, maintain and exhibit classifications and terminologies and give advice on the use.