All requests for data on The Secure Research Platform must be submitted via our electronic application form. The instructions and the electronic application form is currently only available in Danish. We therefore recommend that the Danish institution you are collaborating with assists you with this part of the application.
Research Services needs to assess whether we can transfer data for your project, and whether the project is overall legal, therefore the application must contain at least the following:
- Project description
- Description of the data extraction
- Data order form
- Valid approval from the data controller of the data processing of identifiable information in connection to your project. The documentation should contain at least the following information:
- Name of the data controller institution
- Name of the person in charge of the project
- Title of the research project
- Application deletion deadline, if possible
- Date of approval, if possible
- Any other approvals and permits
When your project is created on The Secure Research Platform, Research Services becomes the project's data processor. We therefore recommend that you inform the data controller that Research Services is the data processor and that The Secure Research Platform is the data processing site.
External data on The Secure Research Platform
If you want to add your own data to the project, upload the data to Research Services via our upload solution and we will make sure that the data is added to the project. Before you can upload your own data, you must fill out and submit our disclosure form. The disclosure form is currently only available in Danish. We therefore recommend that the Danish institution you are collaborating with assists you with this part.
In addition, please ensure that your own data is covered by the same approval from the data controller as your project.