Data for Statistics Denmark

You can apply for data from the Danish Health Data Authority's registers for a project at Statistics Denmark.

We deliver data directly to Statistics Denmark via a secure FTP solution. A correct application will shorten the processing period. See more on Statistics Denmark's website about the requirements for foreign researchers wishing to access Statistics Denmark on The Secure Research Platform.

When applying for the transfer of data to a project at Statistics Denmark, you must use the application form for data delivery to another data processing site. The electronic application form is currently only available in Danish. We therefore recommend that the Danish institution you are collaborating with assists you with this part of the application.

Apply for delivery to Statistics Denmark

In the application form you must:

  • Check off that you wish to collaborate with Statistics Denmark
  • Indicate a contact person and project number at Statistics Denmark

Your application must contain at least the following:

  • Project description (our template)
  • Description of the extraction (our template)
    Data order form
  • Approval stating that the project is included in the register of the data controller.The documentation must contain at least the following information: 
    • Name of the data controller institution
    • Name of the person in charge of the project
    • Title of the research project
    • Objective of the project
    • End date of the project, if possible

We ask that you use our instructions for project and extract descriptions, and that you fill out our order form with the requested variables.

Please note that applications meeting our requirements will undergo a shorter processing period than applications that require us to ask for additional information or documentation before we can proceed. The price may also, in some instances, end up being lower.

Addition to populations from Statistics Denmark

If your data extraction is based on a population already defined by you at Statistics Denmark, Statistics Denmark can send the population to us at Research Services. This is an agreement you can make with your contact person at Statistics Denmark yourself. We will then supplement the population with the agreed data, after which the entire extraction will be returned to Statistics Denmark.

It is, of course, also possible to get Research Services to create a population for you based on our health registers and to enrich it with data before delivering it to Statistics Denmark.

Delivery of data

After processing your application, we will deliver the data to Statistics Denmark via a secure FTP solution. Statistics Denmark will then encrypt the personal identification numbers and upload the data to your project at Statistics Denmark.

Medicines data from Statistics Denmark

If you also need information from the Register of Medicinal Product Statistics from Statistics Denmark, you can apply for medicines data along with data from other health registers from the Danish Health Data Authority. Read more about the special conditions in place when you apply for access to medicines data:

Registers and documentation (only in Danish)


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

T: +45 3218 3900