National health registers

The Danish Health Data Authority is responsible for the national health registers that contain data related to the health of the entire Danish population and the services of the healthcare system.

In Denmark, health data is registered when you visit your GP, the hospital or a medical specialist, buy medicine at the pharmacy or receive health services in your municipality. This data is collected in national health registers.

The health registers contain information about e.g. diseases, treatments, finances and employees in the healthcare system. Each register has been established to serve a particular purpose, for instance to monitor the development of a disease or the effect of a treatment.

The National Patient Register is the largest register and contains information about all examinations and treatments in Danish hospitals in the last 40 years.

List of registers in English and Danish


Register over danske patienter behandlet på udenlandske sygehuse


Fælles Medicinkort


Database for injicerbar heroin og metadon




Det Psykiatriske Behandlingsregister

Sengepladser og belægning

Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister


Based on data in the national health registers, The Danish Health Data Authority regularly publishes analyses and reports on the population's health and the Danish healthcare system.

See publications about Danish health data (in Danish)


In The Danish Health Data Authority’s databank – eSundhed – you can look up data for e.g. surgeries, diagnoses, births, causes of death and medicinal products.

Go to eSundhed (in Danish)