The application
An application for the supply of biological material must always contain:
- Completed application form
- Full project description, including:
- Description of the analyses planned, the laboratories in which the work will be carried out, the schedule and the financing of the project.
- In the case of very scarce material, argument for why the requested sample material is necessary instead of alternative and more available samples/resources.
- Documentation of the project team's ability to perform the planned analyses of the requested sample material (e.g. filter paper blood samples) as well as argument that the analytical precision is sufficient to elucidate the biological problem.
- Information about the storage location of the analysis data during the project period.
- Application to, and approval by, a scientific ethics committee.
- Documentation of the project's inclusion in the local register of data processing.
- Description of sample extraction. Report from the National Biobank Register may be included.
Processing of applications
Applications are accepted at any time and processed in the order in which they are received. The application is evaluated by the Biobank's Scientific Board, and we aim to deliver a decision via e-mail to the lead applicant within 30 working days.