Data extraction

Research Services provides access to data via The Secure Research Platform. However, under certain conditions it is possible to request an extraction of data.

If you need an extraction from The Secure Research Platform, please use the request form on our website.

You must submit a project and extraction description for the project, as well as any updated approval from your data controller. Further, if applicable, you must submit an approval from the National Committee on Health Research Ethics or the Danish Patient Safety Authority.

The description of the extraction must contain a precise description of the data you want extracted, as well as any data you want Research Services to supplement your extraction with. If you need Research Services to supplement your extraction with data from the health registers, you must mark which variables you want in our order form. 

The requirements for extract description form and the data order form are currently only available in Danish. We therefore recommend that the Danish institution you are collaborating with assists you with this part.

If you have access to data on The Secure Research Platform, data should stay on The Secure Research Platform, as a rule. However, you may extract data from The Secure Research Platform under the general conditions applicable to delivery to another data processing site. This means that you can retrieve an extraction from The Secure Research Platform in the following situations:

  • You need to further process the data at Statistics Denmark
  • You need to obtain additional information about your population, such as register data from other sources or biological material
  • You need to contact your population

If you need to collect information from other sources or to contact your population, your extract from The Secure Research Platform must contain no more than the information needed to collect the information or to carry out the contact.

The collected information can then be uploaded to your project on The Secure Research Platform. The information you have collected is termed ‘your own data' by Research Services. It is Research Services that must upload your own data to The Secure Research Platform.

You are in charge of creating the data you want to extract from The Secure Research Platform. If your population requires addition of data not available on The Secure Research Platform, such as addresses, Research Services can add these to the extraction before delivery.

Personal identification numbers on The Secure Research Platform are encrypted. If you need to have civil registration numbers (CPR numbers) delivered, Research Services will decrypt the civil registration numbers before the data delivery.


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

T: +45 3218 3900