About Research Services

Research Services supports health research in Denmark by providing access to, and advice on the use of, national health register data in the health sector.

Research Services is part of the Danish Health Data Authority and is tasked with ensuring that the collected and processed national health data is made available at the appropriate level to all external interested parties.

Research Services is a revenue-funded service, meaning that we charge for our services. When you purchase our services, you are not paying for the data, as data in the health registers are produced as part of the Danish Health Data Authority's grant and fee-financed tasks. Payments charged by Research Services only cover costs related to processing applications and facilitating access to data. In addition to salaries, these include costs for IT systems.


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

E: forskerservice@sundhedsdata.dk
T: +45 3218 3900