Extracting analysis results

It is possible to extract completed analyses and results to The Secure Research Platform.

This requires that all results are anonymised, with no identifiable persons in the data. You may not extract files that contain individual-level data. All extracted files must be aggregated to such an extent that individuals or companies cannot be directly or indirectly identified. As a user, you must always manually check all files before they are extracted, and there are restrictions on extractable file types and file sizes.

If you are unsure whether a file can be extracted, please contact Research Services.

Security and violation of rules

Research Services backs up all files that are attempted to be extracted from The Secure Research Platform, and we continuously perform random checks of sent files. Violations of the rules may result in removal of data and user access for you and all other users on projects with access to data on The Secure Research Platform under the same authorised research environment. If you believe rules may have been violated, please contact Research Services.


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

E: forskerservice@sundhedsdata.dk
T: +45 3218 3900