Exemptions from The Secure Research Platform

The Secure Research Platform has yet to accommodate all types of projects.

In exceptional cases, we may exempt pro¬jects from The Secure Research Platform and instead provide data to another data processing site. It is up to Research Services to assess whether we can implement a project on The Secure Research Platform. 

The following parameters influence whether a project can be completed on The Secure Research Platform:

  • Analysis methods
    We currently offer analysis tools SAS, Stata, and R on The Secure Research Platform. If a research project requires complex analyses beyond these three analysis tools, the project may not be compatible with The Secure Research Platform.

  • Data types
    The Secure Research Platform cannot contain directly identifiable information, such as GIS coordinates and photos. If this type of data is needed for your project, all or parts of the project will not be compatible with The Secure Research Platform.

  • Data volumes
    The Secure Research Platform has a large storage capacity, but if your project requires very large uploads of your own data, such as genome data, the project may not be compatible with The Secure Research Platform.

  • Frequent need to extract data from The Secure Research Platform
    In some cases, it is possible to extract data from The Secure Research Platform, in the context of, for instance, medical record reviews or questionnaire surveys. If there is a justified need to frequently take out data of The Secure Research Platform, all or parts of the project may not be compatible with The Secure Research Platform.

If you assess that your project is not compatible with The Secure Research Platform due to one of the above reasons, you must enclose a detailed explanation in your description of the data extraction when applying for access to data.

If you already have a project set up on The Secure Research Platform, special cases will allow for a full or partial extraction of your data from The Secure Research Platform. This applies, for instance, if you need to obtain additional information about your population or if you need to transfer your data to Statistics Denmark.


Research Services

Monday to Friday: 9.30-12.00

E: forskerservice@sundhedsdata.dk
T: +45 3218 3900