Towards a European Health Data Space (TEHDAS2) skal udvikle fælles retningslinjer og tekniske specifikationer for at lette adgangen til sundhedsdata til sekundære formål inden for EU.

TEHDAS2 is a pan-European project involving 29 countries. The purpose is:

  • to gather experience with EHDS and discuss new initiatives that will help countries implement EHDS.
  • to develop recommendations for the EU Commission, and the project is thus of important importance for the final legal framework on EHDS.

The Danish Health Data Authority cooperates with the Central Denmark Region, Aarhus University Hospital, Central Denmark EU Office and The Danish Healthcare Quality Institute in TEHDAS2.

Project organisation

The work in TEHDAS2 is organised into work packages with specific goals and tasks.

Work packages 1-3 are linked to the execution of the joint actions that are necessary for the successful implementation of the project:

Management and coordination


Co-ordinates and manages the project and its implementation.



Communicates the project results and deliverables.



Assesses whether the project is reaching its objectives.

Work packages 4-8 consist of thematic work packages that address the necessary requirements to promote secondary use of health data within the EHDS framework:

Collaboration models


Creates guidelines for fees and penalties and promotes international collaboration.

Data discovery


Facilitates the discovery and enrichment of datasets for secondary use purposes.

Access to data


Develops guidelines for access to electronic health data.

Safe and secure processing


Gives guidelines and technical specifications for secure data processing and de-identification.

Serving citizens


Strengthens the engagement of citizens and provides information on secondary use of health data.

Our role

The primary role of the Danish Health Data Authority is to coordinate the work in work package 4 on collaboration models. This involves:

  • Creating guidelines for fees and penalties to facilitate organisational implementation of the EHDS for Health Data Access Bodies  in the EU
  • Ensuring engagement from the European ecosystem relevant for the implementation for EHDS and increasing knowledge sharing and awareness of future EHDS regulatory requirements
  • Creating operational models and guidelines for collaboration on the implementation of the EHDS, including international collaboration - third country access

We will facilitate workshops and consultations involving a number of Danish and international actors to discuss various topics, e.g. IP rights. TEHDAS2 will be able to facilitate events in Brussels when Denmark holds the EU presidency in the autumn of 2025.

More about TEHDAS2

The TEHDAS2 joint action project started on May 1, 2024 and will end on December 31, 2026.

Read more about TEHDAS2


Katrine Højen Vad